All fellows
Aas, Sean
»Global Injustice: Theory and Practice«
Afsahi, Afsoun
»Who constitutes legitimate demos? Settlers, migrants, and the indigenous populations«
Ambrož, Alenka
»Democracy, Reason and Madness: Relational Pathologies and ›Communities of Care‹ in the Atlantic World«
Amelung, Iwo
»Chinese and European History of Economic Thought in Comparison« (together with Bertram Schefold)
Andresen, Sabine
»Violence in generational systems. Experiences, thematic approaches and processing«
Araujo, Luiz
»Political legitimacy, ethics of citizenship and the question of religion in the public sphere«
Ariel, Yaakov
»Finding Refuge in Christianity: Conversions and De-Conversions During and Following the Holocaust«
Asch, Ronald G.
»Sacred Kingship between Disenchantment and Re-enchantment. The French and the English Monarchies in the long 17th Century 1587/89‒1714/15«
Ashworth, Lucian
»Missing voices in the history of international thought. A critical re-evaluation of global thinking since 1880«
Balint, Peter
»Connecting Respect and Toleration. Liberal Principles for Diversity«
Banai, Ayelet
»The Right of Self-Determination: An Egalitarian Account«
Bashkin, Orit
»A New Jew in an Arab Public Sphere – The Dreyfus Affair, global Anti-Semitism, and the Birth of the Arab intellectual«
Baynes, Kenneth
»Locating Discourse Morality or The Case for Moral Constructivism«
Beck, Hans
»Greek Federalism. The politics of ethnic integration«
Ben Johanan, Karma
»Israel ver(s)us Israel: Contemporary Zionist Theology and the Jewish-Christian Conflict«
Benbaji, Yitzhak
»Political Philosophy and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict« (with Daniel Statman)
Benhabib, Seyla
»Democratic Sovereignty and Transnational Law. On Legal Utopianism and Democratic Skepticism«
Berry, David M.
»Critical Theory, Artificial Intelligence and Explainability«
Boutayeb, Rachid
»Ethik der Nachbarschaft: Dialogische Beiträge zu Islam in der Moderne«
Buntfuß, Markus
»Der Beitrag einer theologischen Religionsästhetik zu Analyse und Kritik religiöser Positionierungen in den religionskulturellen Konflikten und Debatten der Gegenwart«
Chajes, Julie
»Madame Blavatsky’s Theories of Rebirth. A Window into Nineteenth Century Cultural History«
Chandhoke, Neera
»What is the Relationship between Democracy and Political Violence? The Context of India«
Christensen, Michael J.
»Practices of Promoting Democratic Media: Paradoxes of Legitimacy and Institution Building in the Disinformation Era«
Classmann, Stephanie
»Criminal Law as Modus Vivendi – A Realist Rebuttal to Liberal Theories of Criminalisation«
Cooper, Julie E.
»Politics Without Sovereignty? Exile, State, and Territory in Jewish Thought«
Corni, Gustavo
»Der italienische Faschismus und der Traum von einem neuen Imperium«
Crocker, Thomas
»Overcoming Necessity: Emergency, Constraint, and Constitutional Commitment«
Dalferth, Ingolf
»Deus praesens: Gott und Gegenwart in der philosophischen Theologie«
Destri, Chiara
»Democracy for Devils: Political Obligation between Democratic Citizenship and Partisanship«
Dingel, Irene
»Von der Disputation zum Gespräch. Strategien zur Überwindung von Religionsdissens«
Duygu, Zafer
»Probable intertexts of the Quran and Its Early Exegesis based on Israiliyat Traditions«
Fahrmeir, Andreas
»Partikulare Umsetzungen normativer Wirtschaftsordnungen im 19. Jahrhundert«
Fehige, Yiftach
»One versus The Many? On Scientific Monism and Religious Pluralism«
Fisch, Menachem
Forum for the Study of Interreligious Dynamics at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften (with Christian Wiese)
Fraser, Nancy
»Crisis, Critique, Capitalism: Re-reading Marx, Polanyi, and Habermas in the 21st Century«
Frei, Norbert
»Niemand will Nazi gewesen sein. Die Nachgeschichte des Dritten Reiches« (Nobody wants to have been a Nazi. The Aftermath of the Third Reich)
Friebel, Guido
»Household bargaining, gender norms, and careers in organizations« (mit Daniela Grunow)
Früchtl, Josef
»Democracy of Emotions. On the Use of Aesthetic Culture for the Political«
Gholami, Saloumeh
»Allochthonous and Autochthonous Minorities in a Comparative Context: Language Islands«
Giraudo, Peter
»Political Trade Unionism: Industrial Self-Government and the Staging of Class Conflict in Fin-de-siècle Europe«
Goff, Sarah C.
»The Limited Capacities of States: Implications for Issues in International Ethics«
Gurchiani, Ketevan
»Formen friedlicher Koexistenz in multiethnischen und multireligiösen Ortschaften Georgiens«
Hammami, Nader
»The Qur’an as a Historical Source in Modern Scholarschip«
Heins, Volker
»›We need thicker skins‹: Tolerance in fractured societies«
Hinsch, Wilfried
»A brief History of Justice«, »Human Rights as Moral Claim-Rights«
Hondo, Amy
»Untying Knots: History, Injustice, and Political Responsibility«
Huber, Jakob
»Side by Side: On the Politics of Territorial Presence«
Hurvitz, Nimrod
»Targeting archaeology: Emotions and agenda behind Isis’s heritage destruction«
Inam, Rida
»A Study of Religion and Media – Muslim Adolescence in Post-Secular Germany«
Isiksel, Turkuler
»Europe's Functional Constitution. A Theory of Constitutionalism Beyond the State«
Jakl, Bernhard
»Autonomy-oriented foundation of norms as trust-building conflict management in the age of global digitalisation«
Jin, Shunhua
»In the Contact Zone. Historical Mosques and Islamic Material Culture in Northwestern China (17th–19th century)«
Jose, Betcy
»Russia as a Norm Contester and Norm Entrepreneur«
Jurkowlaniec, Grażyna
»Das illustrierte Buch im 16. Jahrhundert: getrennte und gemeinsame Wege der christlichen Ikonographie nach der Reformation«
Kahn, Elizabeth
»Idealisation, Imagination and Community as the Primary Agent of Justice«
Kaiafa-Gbandi, Maria
»Artificial intelligence as a challenge for Criminal Law: in search of a new model of criminal liability?«
Kalichini, Gladys
»The Art of Seeing Women in Visual Portrayals of Liberation Movements in Africa«
Katz, Dana
»A Lost Mediterranean Landscape: The Parklands and Palaces of Medieval Sicily«
Kaufmann, Thomas
»Die Reformation des Buchdrucks - der Buchdruck der Reformation«
Klarenbeek, Lea
»Relational Integration: membership, relational equality, and responsibility«
Koch, Patrick B.
»Jewish Moralistic Writings (Musar) of the Early Modern Period: 1600–1800«
Lamba, Rinku
»Religion and Persuasion. An Analysis of Bhakti«
Levine, William
»Radical Kantianism and the Ideal of Emancipation in Modern Germany«
Leyva, Gustavo
»Jürgen Habermas: Vernunft, Kommunikation und Emanzipation. Versuch einer Rekonstruktion und Kritik«
Luh, Jing-Jong
»Positionalität und Alterität. Systemische Hermeneutik als Grundlage des interreligiösen und interkulturell-philosophischen Dialogs«
Macdonald, Iain
»Future Possibility: Figures of Possibility in Hegel, Adorno, and Heidegger«
Madureira, Miriam
»›Was ein Subjekt ist, ist die Reihe seiner Handlungen‹: Handlung, Intersubjektivität und der performative Charakter der subjektiven Identität bei Hegel«
Mahadevan, Kanchana
»The Secular and the Post-secular: Gendered Inscriptions, Indo-European Contexts«
Mantel, Susanne
»Duties towards Refugees and the Demands of Global Justice«
Mark, Peter A.
»Religion as a promoter of peace: the case of Casamance (Sénégal)«?
McKeown, Maeve
»Should Europe pay reparations to the Caribbean for historic slavery?«
Milstein, Brian
»Crisis Consciousness, Political Community, and Transnational Justice«
Nascimento, Amos
»Von regionalen Gemeinschaften zu globalen Menschenrechtsdiskursen: Kosmopolitanismus in Europa und Lateinamerika«
Niesen, Peter
»The Normative Foundations of Transnational Citizenship. Border-Crossing Political Communication«
Niewöhner, Philipp
»Die Christianisierung Kleinasiens. Aspekte der materiellen Kultur: Kreuze, Heiligenbilder und Ikonoklasmus«/»Antikes Christentum in Bad Homburg: die Erlöserkirche und ihre Ausstattung im byzant. Stil«
Norris, Andrew
»Ordinary Language and Second Nature: Returning to Ourselves in Hegel and Cavell«
Noyes, Dorothy
»Trust and Suspicion in Interdisciplinary Knowledge-Making« | »Exemplary Failures: Gesture and Emulation in Liberal Politics«
Nullmeier, Frank
»Legitimacy and Social Justice. Valuing Political and Economic Orders«
Nuti, Alasia
»Temporary labour migration and structural injustice«
Owen, David
»The Normative Foundations of Transnational Citizenship. The Case of Voting Rights«
Özsoy, Ömer
»Reconstructing the Dynamics of the Emergence and Formation of Islam«
Peled, Yael
»Language as a Complex System: Its Sociocultural Basis and Ethical and Policy Challenges«
Pfeifer, Guido
»Identification and Integration between Law and Religion: Everyday Legal Life of Jewish Exile and Diaspora Communities in Mesopotamia and Egypt in the 1st Millennium BCE«
Pouw, Wim
»Expressing Experiences and Experiencing Expressions: Interrogating the Representational Model of Communication«
Ptaszynski, Maciej
»Politische Argumentation in katholischen Predigten des 16/17 Jahrhunderts«
Pueyo-Ibáñez, Belén
»Rationality in a Polarized Society: Exploring the Socio-Affective Preconditions of Collective Discourse«
Purvis, Zachary
»›Geist‹ and ›Geschichte‹: Theology and Wissenschaft in Nineteenth-Century Europe«
Rahden, Till van
»Democratic Vistas: Reflections on the Atlantic World« (with Johannes Völz et al.)
Reath, Andrews
»Autonomy as Sovereignty«, »A Formal Approach to Kant's Formula of Humanity«
Reinhardt, Nicole
»The re-invention of confession in the confessional age and beyond«
Rezaei, Mohammad
»Orthodox subject positions in crisis: New religious intellectualism and alternative femininity in post-revolutionary Iran«
Ritter, Jim
»Algorithmic knowledge in Egypt and Mesopotamia« (in collaboration with Annette Imhausen)
Roos, Julia
»German Racial Regimes in a Transnational Context: An Afro-German Microhistory«
Rubin, Abraham
»Conversion and the Problem of Persuasion in Modern Jewish Life Writing«
Sabia, Rossella
»Compliance and New Technologies. AI Software as Tools to Prevent Corporate Crimes«
Sadr, Shadi
»Iranian Women’s Movement. Challenges and Opportunities«
Saviello, Alberto
»Ausstellungen religiöser Objekte als Formen religiöser Positionierung. Das Missionsmuseum Steyl«
Schefold, Bertram
»Chinese and European History of Economic Thought in Comparison« (together with Iwo Amelung)
Schmidt, Thomas
»Religion in der pluralistischen Öffentlichkeit. Zur religionsphilosophischen Kontroverse im Anschluss an John Rawls‘ Politischen Liberalismus«
Schorn-Schütte, Luise
»Die Geschichtlichkeit politischer Normen. Grundzüge einer politica christiana im Europa des 16./17. Jahrhunderts«
Schwartz, Yosef
»Found(ed) in Translation: The Multilingual and Interreligious Dimensions of Medieval Intellectualism«
Seibel, Hans Dieter
»Genossenschaften und Sparkassen als Vorbilder moderner Mikrofinanzkonzepte?«
Seubert, Sandra
»From Protection to Empowerment: Perspectives of European Citizenship«
Shea, Charles Michael
»Catholic Apologetics in an Age of Revolution. Faith, Reason, and Authority in the Thought of Giovanni Perrone S.J.«
Simpson, St John
»Urban transformations and Islamisation from Iraq to Central Asia«
Sleeper, James
»›Civic-republican‹ leadership training in American Colleges«
Stahnisch, Frank W.
»Great minds in despair ‒ the forced migration of German-speaking neuroscientists to North America, 1933‒1989«
Statman, Daniel
»Political Philosophy and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict« (with Yitzhak Benbaji)
Steeds, Leo
»Nature and the Normative Foundations of Economics«
Steilen, Felix
»A Conceptual History of Social Complexity in Modern Social and Political Thought«
Stuchtey, Benedikt
»Die europäische Expansion und ihre Objekte. Materielle Kultur in der Geschichte des Kolonialismus«
Su, Tsu-Chung
»This is also the ›Passion for the Real‹. Passages to India of Great Masters of Contemporary Theater«
Summers, Kelly
»Emigration and Re-migration during the French Revolution«
Tatar, Burhanettin
»Hermeneutical Dialogue Between the Dynamics of Sacred Texts and Historical Reality«
Terada, Toshiro
»Theory and Practice of Cosmopolitanism in the Contemporary World«
Thomes, Paul
»Genossenschaften und Sparkassen als Vorbilder moderner Mikrofinanzkonzepte?«
Ulaş, Luke
»Cosmopolitanism and global solidarity«
Ünsal, Hadiye
»Difference of Language and Style in the Verses Related to ahl al-kitāb (Jews and Christians) within the Frame of makkī and madanī«
Vian, Giovanni
»Antimodernism under Pope Pius X. The ›Encyclical Rascendi‹ of 1907«
Viehoff, Juri
»Background Justice between States: Global Institutional Design to Foster Sovereign Statehood«
Vincent, Alana
»Religious Positioning, Worldbuilding, and the Political Imagination«
von Friedeburg, Robert
»Luther’s Legacy: The Thirty Years War and the modern notion of ‚State‘ in the Empire, 1530s – 1790s«
Vroom, Joanita
»Food for Thought. An Archaeology of Consumption in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds«
Watkins, Eric
»Autonomy and the Legislation of Laws in the Prolegomena«
Weber, Heloise
»Human Rights and Global Development: A Critical Inquiry«
Weber, Martin
»Normative Grammars in International Political Theory«
Wiese, Christian
»Mutual Perceptions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Cultural Interactions, Religious-Political Conflicts and Rapprochement in Dialogue«
Yang, Zhiyi
»Sinophone Classicism. Contested Memory and Multifaced Chineseness in a Global Space«
Yıldırım, Mine
»Modernity Through the Lens of Urban Animals: Multiple logics and dynamics of stray animal confinement, distancing and extermination in the early twentieth century Istanbul«
Yong, Caleb
»Human Rights and the Legitimacy of Immigration Law: A Proposal to Restructure the International Refugee Regime«
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