Bad Homburg Conference 2024
Retrospective: photos, video footage, media response
The Bad Homburg Conference on »AI: How is it shaping our future?« was held at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften on September 20 and 21, 2024. Here you can find the detailed program, videos and photos of the conference as well as the media response.
Please find the conference programme here (in German).
Please find the conference booklet here (in German).
Conference videos
Please watch the conference videos under the title »Bad Homburg Conferences 2024« on the internet (in German): FKH YouTube channel.
Photo impressions (photographer Stefanie Wetzel)
Introduction: Juliane Engel

Panel "Law and economics": Andreas Hackethal, Niklas Keller, Christoph Burchard (moderator), Oliver Heckmann, Elena Dubovitskaya

Armin Nassehi

Stefania Centrone

Bettina Gentzcke

Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Stefania Centrone

Panel "AI in politics and art": Ina Neddermeyer, Antje Krause-Wahl, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (moderator), Eileen O'Sullivan, Benjamin Rathgeber

Kristian Kersting

Franziska Matthäus

Panel "Education and health" (right to left): Benjamin Jörissen, Janne Vehreschild, Juliane Engel (moderator), Susanne Lin-Klitzing; organizers (left to right): Christoph Burchard, Iris Helene Koban, Franziska Matthäus, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann

Beate Sutterlüty, Juliane Engel, Maria Lorch

Christoph Burchard
Media response
October 10, 2024, UniReport No. 5
»Wie tickt die KI?«: Die achte Bad Homburg Conference widmete sich der aktuellen Frage,
wie KI unsere Zukunft formt. – (read the report, in German)
(FKH - 17.10.2024)
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