The Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: EventsThursday, 01 November 2012, 11:30small conference room in the Institute building Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Paper Presentations Christian Heller, Kathrin Passig »The Digital Self« Christian Heller and Kathrin Passig present their current research projects about »The Digital Self«: »Internet Memes« (Heller) and »The Quantified Self. Self-knowledge through numbers« (Passig). Klaus Günther chairs the discussion. Klaus Günther is Professor of Legal Theory, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Frankfurt University, co-spokesperson for the Excellence Cluster »The formation of normative orders« at Frankfurt University and member of the board of directors at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften. Christian Heller writes as a filmcritic and commenator about the development of the internet for diverse online magazines, e.g. critic.de, carta.info, fudder.de. In 2008 he co-founded the »Coworking-Space-Netzwerk Hallenprojekt.de« and in 2009 the DIY pltaform »Bausteln.de«. Since 2008 talks on conferences about the new media, hckers und net policy (e.g. Transmediale, Lift Geneva, re:publica, Chaos Communication Congress). Since 2009 he gives seminars about the interaction of techonological and social development. His own projects are published on www.plomlompom.de. As an experiment, on PlomWiki he records in public his daily routine. Currently he is a Felllow at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften in the frame of the project »The Digital Self«. Kathrin Passig writes articles for Merkur, Spiegel, Spiegel Online, Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung u.a. She is co-founder of the »Zentralen Intelligenz Agentur«, Berlin, whose managing director she was from 2003‒2009. In 2006 the Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis was awarded to her, for her short story Sie befinden sich hier. Currently she is a fellow at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften in the frame of the project »The Digital Self«. closed event |
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