Jeff McMahan![]() Professor für Philosophie, Rutgers University (USA) Aufenthalt am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: Mai 2012Forschungsthema am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Ethik des Krieges«Projektbeschreibung: I will be working on a book on the ethics of war called The Right Way to Fight, which is under contract with Oxford University Press. It is intended to be a trade book rather than an academic book and thus will be written to be accessible to a wide readership. It will have chapters on the following topics: whether war can be justified as a means of averting threats to political sovereignty or territorial integrity, preventive war, humanitarian intervention, the intentional killing of innocent people (terrorism), proportionality in the foreseeable but unintended killing of innocent people (what is often called »collateral damage«), the moral status of mercenaries and whether it is permissible for states to employ them, targeted killing, torture, the ethics of military occupation, and the relation between the morality of war and the law of war. (Jeff McMahan) Förderung des Aufenthaltes: DFG-Kollegforschergruppe »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice − Applied and Global«Wissenschaftliches Profil von Jeff McMahanForschungsschwerpunkte: Ethik, politische Philosophie, Rechtstheorie, KriegstheorienVeröffentlichungen (Auswahl):
Weitere akademische Tätigkeiten: Link: Homepage von Jeff McMahan, Rutgers University |