Ayelet Noam-Rosenthal![]() Visiting Fellow Aufenthalt am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: Dezember 2022Forschungsthema am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Emotional abuse of children«Projektbeschreibung: Child emotional abuse (CEA) is a phenomenon that has been acknowledged under the umbrella of child maltreatment. However, and surprisingly, CEA is usually viewed as a co-morbid pattern to other types of child maltreatment (CM), such as physical, sexual, and neglect. Moreover, when CEA was studied, the focus was on specific and unique contexts such as high-conflict parental disputes and exposure to domestic violence. This tremendous gap in the literature generates gaps in both policy and practice concerning CEA, namely to its measurement, identification as well as to its prevention and intervention. This gap is worrisome, especially given that research shows that children perceive CEA as severe as the other types of CM (Rosenthal & Ben-Arieh, 2022; Rosenthal, 2022). Therefore, it is necessary to develop knowledge and measures on child emotional abuse from various key informants, including children. The proposed project aims: • Developing a research group on CEA. • Carry out cut-edging research, which will promote empirical and theoretical literature on ECA. • Promoting awareness in the professional and academic arenas regarding CEA (through academic courses, conferences, and publications). (Ayelet Noam-Rosenthal) Zusammenarbeit: Ayelet Noam Rosenthal folgt der Einladung von Sabine Andresen, Professorin für Sozialpädagogik und Familienforschung, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Goethe-Fellow am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften. Wissenschaftliches Profil von Ayelet Noam-RosenthalAyelet Noam Rosenthal promovierte 2022 an der School of Social Work and Social Welfare der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem in Israel. In ihrer Dissertation befasst sie sich mit der Frage, wie Kinder körperlichen und emotionalen Missbrauch wahrnehmen. Ayelet ist Dozentin an der Fakultät für Verhaltenswissenschaften am Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem. Außerdem ist sie Leiterin der frühkindlichen Programme am »Haruv Institute«.Forschungsschwerpunkte: Kindheit, Jugendschutz, Kinderrechte, Trauma und RisikoVeröffentlichungen (Auswahl):