Michael Rosen![]() Professor of Government an der Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Aufenthalt am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: Juli 2015Forschungsthema am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Geschichte und Freiheit im Deutschen Idealismus«Projektbeschreibung: German Idealism coincides with a radical step in secularization. It took place at a time when belief in personal immortality was receding. As it did so, it left behind a stark question: how were human beings to reconcile themselves with the fact of their own mortality? In German Idealism we find one very important answer to that question being prepared: human beings can see themselves as part of a wider historical process whose value will justify their own existence even if they themselves are no longer alive. My book traces the way in which this idea is pre-figured in Kant’s conception of history and freedom, and the transformation that took place thereafter. (Michael Rosen) Förderung des Aufenthaltes: DFG-Kollegforschergruppe »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice − Applied and Global«Wissenschaftliches Profil von Michael RosenForschungsschwerpunkte: Deutscher Idealismus, Philosophie von G.F.W. HegelVeröffentlichungen (Auswahl):