Barbara Buckinx![]() Postdoctoral Fellow Resident at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: September 2010−August 2012 Research topic at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Reducing Domination in Global Politics« Project outline: My research interests lie in international political theory. My book manuscript, Reducing Domination in Global Politics, is concerned with the unrestrained or potential exercise of power in global politics. I argue that global actors such as states and corporations sometimes wield such extensive power over us that our encounters with them render us incapable of asserting control over our own choices, and I propose that we adopt non-domination as a global political ideal. I also consider which actors ought to undertake the task of reducing the vulnerability of individuals to domination, and the method by which they ought to do so. A modified chapter is forthcoming in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, and another is included in an edited volume on global governance (SUNY Press).rnIn addition, I am interested in questions of citizenship, migration, and borders. In a working paper on this topic, I consider whether it is permissible to withhold citizenship rights from long-term residents, since such rights comprise the key to their freedom. I am also co-authoring a paper on the U.S. DREAM Act, which analyzes the claims to U.S. citizenship by children of illegal immigrants. (Barbara Buckinx) In 2010/11 Barbara Buckinx' stay at the Institute is sponsored by the research group»Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice − Applied and Global«.rnOn the invitation of Rainer Forst (Goethe University), her stay in 2011/12 is sponsored by the Alfons und Gertrud Kassel-Stiftung.Scholarly profile of Barbara BuckinxCurrent position: (Update: July 2016)Currently Barbara Buckinx is a Associate Research Scholar in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University Homepage: Main areas of research: International Political Theory and International Ethics, in particular global governance, citizenship, global distributive justice, environmental ethics, and theories of human rights; International Public Law; Democratic TheorySelected publications: