Carlotta Voß![]() Postdoctoral Fellow Resident at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: October 2022 – July 2023 Research topic at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Democratic Judgment in the Anthropocene« Project outline: A multitude of contemporary political and moral debates centers around the empirical finding of anthropogenic global warming. Some of these debates are bringing forth anthropological arguments that challenge the foundational ideals of modern liberal democracy. At the same time, explicit criticisms of liberal democracy are growing, highlighting its perceived inability to address the climate crisis in a timely manner. Given this backdrop, a pivotal question arises from a democratic theory standpoint: How can we justify the principles of liberal democracy in the Anthropocene (as a geological epoch) and vis-à-vis the »Anthropocene« (as a narrative that contextualizes the discovery of anthropogenic global warming within anthropological assertions)? In my project, I aim to explore whether the Philosophical Anthropology of Helmuth Plessner and Wilhelm Kamlah can offer a solid foundation to tackle this question. (Carlotta Voß) Research partner: Carlotta Voß follows the invitation of Rainer Forst, Professor of Political theory at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, and the Justitia Centre for Advanced Studies funded by the Alfons and Gertrud Kassel Foundation. Scholarly profile of Carlotta VoßCarlotta Voß received her PhD in 2021 from the FU Berlin and the RU Bochum. The title of her thesis was »Ironie und Urteil. Thukydides’ Ironische Historiographie als Medium kritischer Anthropologie«.Website: Main areas of research: Ancient and modern political theory, History of political ideas, hermeneutics, philosophy of history, future ethics, narrative theorySelected publications: