The philosopher Rainer Forst and legal scholar Klaus Günter, who are both directors of the Frankfurt Cluster of Excellence »The Formation of Normative Orders«, have been members of the board of directors of the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften since its establishment in 2006. During this time they have enriched the Forschungskolleg with their ideas and initiatives and assured the continued existence of the Kolleg by inviting fellows to participate in their research projects (Cluster »Normative Orders« and the DFG research group »Justitia Amplificata«). According to the statutes of the Forschungskolleg, their mandates as directors will end in 2018. In acknowledgement of their many years of active engagement in the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften and in order to ensure the continued recognition of their involvement in the academic »community« of the Forschungskolleg, they were appointed »Distinguished Fellows« this summer by the board of directors.